Electrician Theory Second Year Nimi Mock Test | MCQ

ITI Electrician Theory 2nd Year Nimi Mock Test Topic wise online test Based on Ncvt New Exam Pattern is available here for free Practice
Electrician Theory Second Year Mock Test
ITI Electrician Theory Second Year Nimi Mock Test: Ncvt important questions online mock test for Computer Base Test (CBT) exam preparation. Electrician Theory 2nd Year Bharat Skill NIMI Question Bank based all topic mock test in English and regional languages.

Electrician Theory 2nd Year New Nimi Mock Test

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Targeted Exam : ITI CBT, CITS, Apprentice

Electrician Theory 2nd Year Mock Test Topics

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  1. Kuchh questions me hindi galat h
    Please Hindi sahi kardo humne hindi me questions pade h
    1. Tik h
  2. Add tamil language also
  3. Ok
  4. Sir kuch question me option galat hai
    1. Our team inspect we correct the option soon
    2. you are right bro🤜🤜
  5. हिंदी के कुछ शब्द गलत लिखे हैं ।
    कृप्या उसे ठीक करे.... धन्यबाद ।
    1. Ok we work on it
  6. Ok
    1. 👌
  7. Topics keep loading and can't proceed with the test
    1. Slow internet or we do some updates then this problem can come.
  8. Kuchh bhi ho but good work .... Kuchh mistake hai but thanks for exam preparation ....
  9. Sir our question ka answer nimi ka question ka answer jo global iti me answer match mai ho raha hai sir our match question no. 122 and 23 ko dekho ye sir our hai sir usko sahi krwa di ji ye sir plea se
    1. इस पर काम चल रहा है जल्दी सभी प्रश्न अपडेट होंगे।
  10. Sir guestion kuch galat hai please unko correct karane ki kripa kre
  11. Kya Sir CBT Paper isi Questions se aayega
  12. First year walo ko corona ho jata
    Hmm 2nd year walo ko covid nhi hoga waa DGP Sir Wa🙏
    1. Super ❤️