Craft Instructors CITS Exam 2024 - Schedule & Time Table

Craft Instructors under CITS Main Exam and Supplementary Exam 2024 Schedule for Practical and CBT exam Time Table release by DGT

All India Trade Test (AITT) for Craft Instructors under CITS (RPL): Main Exam for the 2023-24 session and Supplementary Exam for the 2022-23 session scheduled for September 2024. Check the Practical exam and CBT exam updates from here.

Craft Instructors CITS Exam 2024 Schedule and Time Table for All India Trade Test

Craft Instructors CITS Practical examination 2024 will start from 23 September, details of which are given below.
Craft Instructors CITS  Exam 2024 Schedule
Craft Instructors CITS Practical Exam 2024 Schedule

Activity Details for CBT Exam of Craft Instructor under CITS (RPL)

Craft Instructors CITS CBT examination 2024 will start from 28 September, details of which are given below.

Craft Instructors CITS  Exam 2024 Activity Details
Craft Instructors CITS CBT Exam 2024 Schedule

Craft Instructors CITS Exam 2024 Notification Download

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